Understanding Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Australia.

What is A1AD?
A common genetic disorder associated with low levels of a natural protein known as Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT).
Questions to ask your doctor.
You are likely to have a lot of questions following a diagnosis of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (A1AD).
Issues associated with A1AD.
A complicated and challenging diagnosis with many individuals remaining undiagnosed.
What is A1AD?
A common genetic disorder associated with low levels of a natural protein known as alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT).
Questions to ask your doctor.
You are likely to have a lot of questions following a diagnosis of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (A1AD).
Issues associated with A1AD.
A complicated and challenging diagnosis with many individuals remaining undiagnosed.
Understanding Alpha-1.
In Australia, over 2 million individuals live with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, yet it remains widely unknown. As a charity, we strive to support those affected by the condition and advance research on emerging therapies.
Let’s unite to raise awareness, ensuring affected individuals and their families receive the necessary support and access to treatments
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Australia.
Learn about how A1AD impacts the every day lives of Australians and hear from industry specialists.
Read the full interviews (coming soon)
Learn about how alpha-1 impacts the every day lives of Australians and hear from industry specialists.
Read the full interviews (coming soon)
Alpha-1 Unwrapped.
Craig is 60 years old and based in Sydney, Australia. His Alpha-1 genotype is ZZ, with 46% lung capacity.
Here we dive into his Alpha-1 story where he discusses the everyday challenges he faces and the long journey it took for him to be finally diagnosed with the condition.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
Lara joins us for our next episode. Lara speaks about how Alpha-1 impacts her both physically and mentally, and the concern she has for her own future.
She also talks about her long journey to being diagnosed, and how she feels an earlier diagnosis would have helped her make more informed decisions.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
We interviewed Andrew from Sydney, in the last of our Alpha-1 Unwrapped series. Andrew was first diagnosed with asthma, and then for COPD.
This went went on for over 10 years, but in 2021, Andrew was finally tested for Alpha-1 and the results came back positive.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
Dr. Laxmi Iyengar, Vice President of A1OA and GP, sits down with respiratory and sleep physician Dr. Jonathan Burdon to discuss Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.
The interview dives into the questions surrounding Alpha-1, including how the condition impacts patients, what doctors look out for when testing for Alpha-1 as well as many other interesting topics.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
Dr. Laxmi Iyengar, Vice President of Alpha-1 Org Australia and GP, sits down with Dr. Weng Tak Poon to discuss Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.
Dr. Poon has an interest in chronic disease management and takes us through his thoughts on how best to manage patients with Alpha-1.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
Craig is 60 years old and based in Sydney, Australia. His Alpha-1 genotype is ZZ, with 46% lung capacity.
Here we dive into his Alpha-1 story where he discusses the everyday challenges he faces and the long journey it took for him to be finally diagnosed with the condition.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
Lara joins us for our next episode. Lara speaks about how Alpha-1 impacts her both physically and mentally, and the concern she has for her own future.
She also talks about her long journey to being diagnosed, and how she feels an earlier diagnosis would have helped her make more informed decisions.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
We interviewed Andrew from Sydney, in the last of our Alpha-1 Unwrapped series. Andrew was first diagnosed with asthma, and then for COPD.
This went went on for over 10 years, but in 2021, Andrew was finally tested for Alpha-1 and the results came back positive.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
Dr. Laxmi Iyengar, VP of A1OA and GP, sits down with respiratory and sleep physician Dr. Jonathan Burdon to discuss Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.
The interview dives into the questions surrounding Alpha-1, including how the condition impacts patients, what doctors look out for when testing for Alpha-1 as well as many other topics.
Alpha-1 Unwrapped
Dr. Laxmi Iyengar, Vice President of Alpha-1 Org Australia and GP, sits down with Dr. Weng Tak Poon to discuss Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.
Dr. Poon has an interest in chronic disease management and takes us through his thoughts on how best to manage patients with Alpha-1.
Resources to further understand Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency in Australia.
We have several resources that cover the full spectrum of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, including the family history connections and the damage it can cause to the liver and lungs.

Resources to further understand Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency.
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